R&D Documentation Management System

At EVAMAX, we are there for every step of the claim process, from preparation to audit defence, to maximize your claim’s chance for success.

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There is always a possibility your R&D claim will be subject to a detailed review by the IRS to ensure it meets the requirements of their program. To effectively support claims made to the R&D program, the IRS requires many documents. It is best to keep track of all relevant documents throughout the fiscal year. However, we understand this can be challenging and time consuming.

EVAMAX team will represent & prepare you for IRS’s reviews to defend your claim. In fact, we put steps & best practices in place when we begin working with you to ensure the overall strength of the claim and maximize your refunds.


Our team at EVAMAX can assist you with adapting your businesses management systems to reduce compliance workloads when filing your claim in the following ways:

Adapting Solutions
Adapting our solutions to your management systems
Providing templates and tags for use in your system to track R&D activities
Providing Education
Providing educational sessions with your team to optimize documentation


Research that is technological in nature for products or services can qualify R&D Tax Credit expenses. There is a guideline to defining these expenses. The guidelines showcase how the R&D tax credit works through the four part test. To be considered a scientific research and experimental development activity, your qualified research expenditures (QREs) must meet all four requirements 

  • Project or Experimentation plans
  • Design, system architecture and source code (software development)
  • Design documents and technical drawings, project records, laboratory data, Test protocols, data, results, analysis, and conclusions, professional publication
  • Photographs, videos, Prototypes, samples, scrap records
  • Contracts
  • Records of resources allocated to the project, timesheets, activity records, payroll records
  • Purchase invoices and proof of payment
  • Accounting record

We understand that program compliance may be overwhelming and a distraction from your business focus. Which is why we emphasize working with your team to organize a custom system to make the R&E Claim process seamless.

to learn more about how EVAMAX can help you prepare for your next claim


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